Export Abstract

  • I don't remember what made SL hard, if anything, but it's on my short list of translators to work on when I'm feeling up to it. RIS export and DOI should work for now.
  • Got to say that Zetoro is too hard for the average user to figure out. You really should be able to select if you want abstracts or not in one click. That is a very basic citation manager option.
  • Scott - I have no idea what you're referring to here. This thread is about a very specific use case. As I say above, Zotero exports abstracts with all it's common export formats.
  • edited February 17, 2012
    Well that is a friendly reply. I am referring to how with the “create bibliography” function it is not easy (or perhaps even possible) to select to download abstracts along with citations.

    Sure, you can use the "Export Library" function and create a file of citations and abstracts formated in a certain computer langauge (RIS, Bibtex)but that is only helpful if your goal is to import the files into another citation managment program such as Endnote.
    I am a reference librarian and want to be able to directly produce an annotated bibliography. Most people don't want the citations and abstracts in Bibtext or RIS with all the tags.

    Is there an export format that does not have all the tags. Or is there an easy way to add say annotated APA as an option with the "create bibliography" function. It is real surprising that such an option is not already in place. As I said the option is standard for other citation management programs. I am trying to embrace Zotero but it does have some holes to fill.
  • Well - then ask about that in the first place instead of complaining in a way that doesn't allow us to understand what you actually want to do.

    This is the wrong thread for this, though. This one deals with getting abstracts into export formats.
    Please start a new one or search for "annotated bibliography" and post in one of those threads.
  • Really, that is your response. Before making the commment I searched the forums and several other people using the term export creating a bibliography from a Zetoro collection. They got polite replies. Seems like Zetoro means thin skinned.
  • edited February 17, 2012
    Please start a new one or search for "annotated bibliography" and post in one of those threads.

    edit: I also really don't understand what was so wrong with my first reply. I really did have no idea what you were talking about.
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