Prior to fall 2009 release, Ubuntu had a project to fix papercuts in the software. These papercuts are small usability issues that can be fixed in a day or less. See more info at
Zotero could use the same approach to fixing some of the usability issues for the 3.0 release. I have started a list of potential paper cuts below with links to forum discussions about each of these if available.
Please feel free to contribute to the list or discuss the different papercuts below. When you report a papercut, please link to relevant forum threads. If there are no threads about the issue, please start one. This will help to keep this tread clean.
Papercuts are tracked at github.
Initial list of papercuts
1) Restore from trash using context menu
2) Show a warning on Zotero site when clicking on an invitation link that is meant for other user account that the one that a user is currently logged in.
3) Grey out toolbar buttons to add items when a read only library is selected.
4) Separator between my library and group libraries should not be selectable
5) Warn about missing PDF tools when attempting to retrieve metadata in download dialog
6) Allow resetting the default action for downloaded PDFs from Zotero preferences
7) When clicking on the "New group..." button, the user should be automatically logged in to Zotero site with the currently configured user account.
8) There should be an option to disable name disambiquation and this should probably be enabled by default
9) The "Documentation and support" menu item under the gear-button should be a separate toolbar button to make it more easy to find for a new user
10) The lookup-button in the main toolbar should be moved to the item details pane to make it more clear that it is associated with a particular item. (Make the position the same as the "Restore to Library" button that is shown when viewing Trash)
11) Word processor plugin could include a help button or menu item that would direct to Zotero documentation
12) Zotero should first ask to choose all replacements to missing references before attempting to refresh the citations.
13) The dialog for choosing replacements for missing references should show the same columns as the insert citation dialog. And these should be selectable
14) When copy pasting multiple lines of text to author name text box, each line should create a new author
15) Search should not reset when switching between pane and tab modes
16) The user should be able to change search mode in the select items dialog
17) Selected sources pane should show more fields
18) The pop-up for editing citation details (prefix, suffix, etx) in the new QuickFormat citation picker should show item metadata.
Zotero could use the same approach to fixing some of the usability issues for the 3.0 release. I have started a list of potential paper cuts below with links to forum discussions about each of these if available.
Please feel free to contribute to the list or discuss the different papercuts below. When you report a papercut, please link to relevant forum threads. If there are no threads about the issue, please start one. This will help to keep this tread clean.
Papercuts are tracked at github.
Initial list of papercuts
1) Restore from trash using context menu
2) Show a warning on Zotero site when clicking on an invitation link that is meant for other user account that the one that a user is currently logged in.
3) Grey out toolbar buttons to add items when a read only library is selected.
4) Separator between my library and group libraries should not be selectable
5) Warn about missing PDF tools when attempting to retrieve metadata in download dialog
6) Allow resetting the default action for downloaded PDFs from Zotero preferences
7) When clicking on the "New group..." button, the user should be automatically logged in to Zotero site with the currently configured user account.
9) The "Documentation and support" menu item under the gear-button should be a separate toolbar button to make it more easy to find for a new user
10) The lookup-button in the main toolbar should be moved to the item details pane to make it more clear that it is associated with a particular item. (Make the position the same as the "Restore to Library" button that is shown when viewing Trash)
11) Word processor plugin could include a help button or menu item that would direct to Zotero documentation
12) Zotero should first ask to choose all replacements to missing references before attempting to refresh the citations.
13) The dialog for choosing replacements for missing references should show the same columns as the insert citation dialog. And these should be selectable
14) When copy pasting multiple lines of text to author name text box, each line should create a new author
15) Search should not reset when switching between pane and tab modes
16) The user should be able to change search mode in the select items dialog
17) Selected sources pane should show more fields
18) The pop-up for editing citation details (prefix, suffix, etx) in the new QuickFormat citation picker should show item metadata.
(Edit: noting for posterity that 8 was resolved by corrections to disambiguation logic, thanks to the fact that @mronkko raised the issue here.)
One option to solve the disambiguation issue would be to make it a document level preference that is shown to the user at the same screen where a citation style is selected for a document. This way the users would be made aware of this feature and allowed to disabled it if they do not see the need for it.
On disambiguation, I agree with Rintze and Frank, but along the lines of what Rintze says, I think the papercut fix here would be to do a better job of incorporating the more advanced csl 1.0 disambiguation in existing styles. I also wonder if we shouldn't think about setting the default behavior of givenname-disambiguation-rule to "by-cite" or, alternatively (so we don't have to change the schema) include that option in all styles where we don't really know. I think that mronkko is right that the all names disambiguation as set in csl default is pretty rare.
One such example is Structural Equation Modeling that requires the use of the APA style. The following book is cited often in this journal
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
If I use Zotero to cite this book using the APA style, the in-text citation is the following:
(J. Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003)
However, what this journal uses is the non-disambiguated version
(Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003)
You can check a sample citation in e.g. this article
Also, if you search for "(Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003)" on Google Scholar, the first few pages are mostly psychology journals that use the APA style. The disambiguated version "(J. Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003)" gives much less hits.
13) The dialog for choosing replacements for missing references should show the same columns as the insert citation dialog. And these should be selectable
16) The user should be able to change search mode in the select items dialog
17) Selected sources pane should show more fields
18) The pop-up for editing citation details (prefix, suffix, etx) in the new QuickFormat citation picker should show item metadata.
5 is already implemented on the trunk.
I wouldn't object if someone were to submit a patch for 6, but I don't feel it's necessary enough to dedicate time to. You can already do this in the Firefox preferences.
7 will happen eventually, but requires some changes on the web side.
Re: 9, I would rather not add additional buttons to the Zotero toolbar. We have too many already. Instead, I'd like to make the first-run experience more pleasant (add popups with instructions on how to use important features), and add buttons to report errors to error dialogs.
10 would take precious vertical space. If the current positioning is unsatisfactory, I'd prefer to find some other way of doing resolving that.
Re: 11, I don't really like the idea of adding more buttons to the toolbar, but I can see how this might be useful.
Re: 13 and 17, I don't plan to put more time into the "classic" add citation dialog. However, the columns for the select items dialog should probably be made selectable.
The idea to duplicate a firefox preference (6) is to make the download action feature easier to discover. But I agree that this is not important at all.
I agree on the number of toolbar buttons. However, the current layout feels a bit confusing and I was thinking alternatives on how it can be made more clear.
14 is possible (I think), but I'm not sure it would get enough use to be considered high priority.
I'm not sure off the top of my head how painful 15 is. (Getting the collection and item selection to persist was quite painful, but it might not be too painful to add this on top of that.) If it's not too painful, we will do it.
the retrieve function should probably identify google books and then ignore the first page.
Here are the requested forum threads:
In the thread:
Dan Stillman wrote:
"In Zotero 2.0: Select BibTeX text, copy to clipboard, and use "Import from Clipboard" in Zotero's gear menu (or open/focus the Zotero pane and use the keyboard shortcut specified in the Shortcut Keys pane of the Zotero prefs). This will currently create a new import collection each time, which it possibly shouldn't." (emphasis mine)
See also