Importing from Refworks

I am having trouble importing my references from Refworks. I saved the references in BibTex format and try to import them, but I get an error message that a script is unresponsive or taking too long, then Firefox stops responding and I have to force quit.

I have reinstalled firefox and the problem remains. Suggestions?

  • See:

    Go to 'about:config' & set dom.max_chrome_script_run_time to 0 to disable the warning (see if you need help).

    Then, have patience when importing the file (it takes a while).
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried that, and it does not seem to work. Firefox stops responding, and nothing ever happens with the import. Any other ideas?
  • How many records are you trying to import? AFAIK, import of many (i.e. hundreds or thousands of) records may take quite a while. Have you tried to keep Zotero/Firefox running over night? Does that help?
  • It is about 200 records. I did leave firefox running for several hours, but I will try again.
  • I left it running over night, and nothing happened except that firefox says it is not responding. Any other suggestions?
  • edited March 5, 2008
    firefox says it is not responding
    Can you give the exact text of errors & any more info on when they popped up (e.g. is firefox triggering a separate error message sometime during the import or does your operating system complain when you try to switch to it, etc.).

    You can try to import some other format (such as RIS) and/or try to import a smaller subset of the reference list.

    The Zotero devs may or may not volunteer to borrow the file you are having problems with (though if you don't mind trying to help diagnose the issue, I'm sure it'd be appreciated).
  • I don't get an error message, but firefox does not respond and nothing has happened to the import. I then go to force quit, and firefox is shown as not responding. I am a mac user, by the way.

    I will try other formats and a smaller reference list and see if that helps. I would be more than happy to let the Zotero devs have a go at the file as well.

    Thanks for your suggestions.
  • I don't get an error message, but firefox does not respond and nothing has happened to the import.
    It might still be importing. Try with only a few dozen to make sure the import works at all.
    I am a mac user, by the way.
    So are many of the Zotero devs, but another Mac user reported the same kind of import problems in this thread (using a different format) FWIW.
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