mac Endnote 6 to Zotero-can't export

I am a Mac user having trouble importing my Endnote libraries from Endnote 6 into Zotero. I have followed the instructions, and exported via RefMan (RIS). It created a simple text file on my desktop, but it will not import into Zotero.I get an error message asking if the library is valid. Any suggestions? Johnallen.
  • What does the "simple text file" look like? example RIS file

    Have you tried to import a subset of it?
  • HI --thanks for your help. It is a Plain Text document looks almost exactly like the sample RIS file via your link. How would I try to import only a part of it?
  • Either export only a few records or open the export that you already have in a text editor and delete some.

    I suggest you try a single record & see if it imports. If it does, try one half of your whole collection. If that fails, try the other half. You can then cut the failing half in two & try to determine what record or records cause the failure.

    Please report the failing record & the exact error message.
  • It would take me forever to go through these Endnote libraries record by record. The first 4 imported OK, bu the next 15 or so wouldn't. (I have about 1500 total). The message I get is "unresponsive script" is script unavailable etc. I do use several non-english scripts--would that be it?
  • PS I seem to get this message if I try to import more than 2 references at a time.
  • PS again. I cannot export form zotero into Endnote either. Endnote doesn't recognize the exported files. Actually the don't show up as openable fimes on my desktop (just the name of the file appears, but the rest is blank on the icon).
  • The message I get is "unresponsive script" is script unavailable etc.
    This doesn't actually reflect an error. Zotero takes a while to import references. Go to about:config in the location bar and set dom.max_chrome_script_run_time to 0 to disable the warning. Search for other messages regarding "unresponsive script" if you'd like to learn more about this.
    PS again. I cannot export form zotero into Endnote either. Endnote doesn't recognize the exported files. Actually the don't show up as openable fimes on my desktop (just the name of the file appears, but the rest is blank on the icon).
    What happens when you open the exported files in a text editor? If Endnote is not associated with the extensions used by those files, you'll have to first open endnote & then choose to import them (as opposed to merely double-clicking them on your desktop).
  • Sorry to be dense--where is the location bar??
  • Do you mean the zotero site in the location bar in firefox? I tried Go to about:config in the location bar there and get another error message!
  • just gives me a 404 error message. In browsing the discussions I see that 'unresponsive script' seems to be an ongoing problem for Mac conversions of Endnote to Zotero. Is that right? I really want to use Zotero, but at this point I can import no more than 2 references at a time. Thanks for your help.
  • See:

    The url you want to go to is just 'about:config' (NOT '') and you should see something like:

    I wouldn't characterize 'unresponsive script' as being a mac-specific issue and most probably don't encounter it in day-to-day use (smaller imports). Still, I'd expect you to be able to import more than two references. Is your computer particularly slow?
  • No, a new MAcBook, 6 months old.
  • HI there--I made the setting as you suggested, but the computer just hung for about 40 minutes on an Endnote library of about 35 references. Why am I having such trouble!! My colleague on a PC imported form Endnote with no problem at all!!
  • Hi John,

    Could you send your hanging 35 reference library (exported as RIS) to We'll take a look at it to see what's going on.

  • certainly!! thanks!!
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