Bulk export of formatted references
Is there a way to export multiple references in formatted form similar to the output obtained when using the Copy Bibliography command?
adamsmithWhat's wrong with the Create Bibliography from selected items command? That works for any number of items.
RLifsetI want to export a very large number of records-100s. Will that work?
adamsmithAbsolutely, yes
RLifsetIs there an automated way to export groups of references in the "Create Bibliography" manner? (The references to be exported would be in consolidated in a single group.) Does the Zotero API help with this?
adamsmithMight be easier to just describe what you're planning to do rather than ask the questions piecemeal -- but yes, the Zotero (web) API can output formatted references, which, together with some scripting, could be used to automate bulk exporting in various ways.
RLifsetThanks for your help and sorry about the piecemeal questions. I hadn't initially anticipated that I would be asking about the API.
emilianoeheynsTalking about the API is still talking about solutions -- I think adamsmith wants to know what larger problem you are trying to solve before talking about how to solve it (or parts of it).