[feature request] mouse hover preview or 2-line title view (wrap text view) for items in library

edited August 23, 2022

I am new to Zotero and I am currently learning how to use the software.

One feature I am seeking is the ability to wrap titles of items in my library so that the entire title is visible in the main pane instead of only the item pane.

For example, many journal articles have long titles that are unlikely to fit on 1 line given the available user interface space on the screen. In order to make it easier to read titles, I would like to see titles wrap around on the screen to create a 2-line title view for item titles, journal names, author names, etc.

If this feature is not already available, I think adding this feature would greatly improve readability when browsing items in the Zotero library.
  • Same here having to deal with papers with really long titles. Would appreciate the addition of a text wrap feature in the table of entries.
  • I want to modify this feature request by suggesting that instead of 2-line title view, there could instead be a feature that shows the full title of an entry if the user hovers over the entry in their library.

    This hover option might also be useful to show authors, journal, etc and would basically serve as a preview for an entry without having to click on it.
  • +1 for this option
  • I randomly saw this thread in my post history and figured I would revisit it to mention that Zotero 7 shows the full title of a library entry when hovering over the title in the item pane.

    The hover feature also works with shortened entries for other columns (author, date, etc.) that are cut off (...) because of column width.

    Thank you to the devs for adding this feature
  • Thanks for noting the hover feature. But still, +1 on the request to allow text wrapping or at least 2 lines in the library column view. The current design makes it very hard to efficiently scan a list of papers visually (unless maybe you already know precisely what you are looking for, which somewhat negates the purpose).
  • I would also really like the multi line wrap for the title column - The hover option is there, true, but I have a pen tablet on a large screen and it requires too much hand movement to have to look at them one at a time, you might as well just scroll through them.I have medical problems that means I can't use a mouse, and try to minimise my hand movements.
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