Feature request: "Tags" column for main window
The "Notes" column is very useful to see which items I have added notes to (and how many notes I have added). It would be great to have a "Tags" column too, showing the number of tags for each item.
I am a heavy tags user, and try to add them as I add each new item. But especially early on in assembling a library/collection, when lots of new items are being added quickly, it is easy to put off adding tags. It is then difficult to easily see which items still need their tags added. A "Tags" column would solve that.
I am a heavy tags user, and try to add them as I add each new item. But especially early on in assembling a library/collection, when lots of new items are being added quickly, it is easy to put off adding tags. It is then difficult to easily see which items still need their tags added. A "Tags" column would solve that.
Note that colored tags will show up in the items list as color swatches (or emoji):