Add note from annotation || renaming
I'm wondering if its normal that when I use the commande '' add note from annotation'', the note that is created is named : Annotations (xx/xx/xxxx, xx:xx:xx).
Into the config editor, under note template: extensions.zotero.annotations.noteTemplates.title
the value attache to it is : ''h1>{{title}} br/>({{date}}) /h1>'' (I just remove some < symbols to preview it correctly)
So why it always write ''annotations'' instead of the pdf/book name ?
Would be really helpfull, each time that a create a note that the name automatically take title of that pdf/book.
I'm wondering if its normal that when I use the commande '' add note from annotation'', the note that is created is named : Annotations (xx/xx/xxxx, xx:xx:xx).
Into the config editor, under note template: extensions.zotero.annotations.noteTemplates.title
the value attache to it is : ''h1>{{title}} br/>({{date}}) /h1>'' (I just remove some < symbols to preview it correctly)
So why it always write ''annotations'' instead of the pdf/book name ?
Would be really helpfull, each time that a create a note that the name automatically take title of that pdf/book.
Will follow this for updates!
Edit: In my case, I would love to use the citekey as the title of the note.
Also citekey would be nice to use!
I'm also look for extracting some basic metedata at the same time... that would save me the step of using MDnote plugin...
Using ZotFile, I have given all pdf document nice names and it would be very helpful to keep this same naming convention for the annotations.
I will follow this thread for updates.