Zotero 7 - How to automatically make an item's citation the title for an annotation note

edited October 29, 2024
Firstly - many many thanks for Zotero.

I am trying to use the extensions.zotero.annotations.noteTemplates.title modifier to change the automatic title of my annotation notes created with the "Add item note from annotations" option. I would like the automatic use of "Annotations" as the title to be changed to the citation of the related item.

I have tried changing <h1>{{title}}<br/>({{date}})</h1> to <h1>{{citation}}<br/>({{date}})</h1>. But it doesn't work. The title just appears blank. To be honest my understanding of HTML is virtually nil but I thought this would work and doesn't. I suppose fundamental to my uncertainty is understanding what {{title}} actually refers to.

There is probably something simple I am overlooking/not getting here but any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
  • Currently, only date and title variables are supported. Title is just a localized "Annotations" word. Could you explain your workflow in more detail so we can better understand why citation title is necessary?
  • Thanks for the prompt reply.
    I am basically copying highlights/comments annotations from certain papers as a summary for other readers into word documents. I just felt it may be a simple thing when the note was created that the title became the citation (or full reference not bothered which). I managed to figure out how to change the formatting of the notes with the online advice and wondered if I could make the title change automatically as well. It's not a big thing really :)
  • I'm in the same boat. I use Scrivener for my long-form writing. Once I felt I've read and annotated a source enough in Zotero, I export its annotation notes directly into a "research" folder in Scrivener, which is organized by author. So it would be helpful for me to be able to set the citation info as the annotation note title by default instead of having to do it manually.
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