Include doi and list all authors instead of et al
Hi, I am trying to insert a bibliography using Zotero. The closest style I need is Nature, but I need the doi or url to be included with every reference. I also need all authors included, no matter how many there are. Is there a numbered style that does this?
And have a read of the associated guide
Steps I did, you can try:
-Expanded "Bibliography" then clicked on the "Group" entry
- Clicked the plus button at the top of the tree view to add node
- Selected "Text:
- In the options at the bottom I changed "Type" to "variable"
- In the variable menu chose DOI.
This seemed to work. Then make sure to change the name of the style in the info section (so you don't override the orignal nature style), then click style menu - save style and it should let you download it. The only thing I ran into was that when i clicked download nothing happened, it might be a Firefox thing, might download fine in Chrome.