Author (Year) Citation, when author's name is used in context

Dear all,

I sometimes want to use the author's name(s) in a sentence, i.e. a citation like "(Morrow et al., 2014, p. 66)" would show as:
"… this has been discussed by Morrow et al. (2014, p. 66)."
"… this has been discussed by Morrow et al. [55]." when using a numbers style.

Is this not possible to do in Zotero? I know that I can suppress the author and then add them manually, but shouldn't there be a way to modify the citation by an option, in order to have the names correctly derived and updated from the Zotero library?

It actually seems to be quite a basic function and I know it is available in EndNote and Citavi, so how can it be done in Zotero (or for what reason can it not)?

Thanks a lot

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