Keyboard shortcut for Add Child Note?

I'm adding lots of them. Can I get a keyboard shortcut bound to the add child note action?

  • I want to second this. Also if possible I would really like to have a right click---> zotero option to be "create child note of selection". The "add selection to zotero note" is nice but since I am using zotero for legal annotation I need to know exact paragraph numbers and its easier to have each of them be separate child notes. Otherwise I end up with these huge notes that are hard to sort through
  • I wonder if the latter could be done if the default behavior is changed:
    When you have an item selected in the center panel, the Zotero option is "create child note from selection" rather than "Create new item and note from selection".

    I think this should definitely be the default when you are looking at a Snapshot. Right now, if I select a passage from a snapshot and right-click it offers to create a new item with a note - that seems nonsensical.
  • I definitely second this request...
  • I totally agree with adamsmith. I'm taking notes on many articles and keep having to click on the item in the middle pane, go to the note tab and click on add, add my note, go back and click on the item on middle pane, etc. etc. ... again and again and again. While I'm viewing a snapshot, I want to add child notes to that snapshot, not stand alone notes as new items. There should be a single click or a single keyboard cut to add a note to the item one is already viewing or is active in the middle pane.

    I third!
  • Another vote for adamsmith's suggestion.
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