How to start numbering at a number greater than one?

I am editing a document that has half the references from another program (endnote) that don't appear to be able to integrate with my zotero references. It would be easier to fix if at least my section, which comes at the end, had a way to have the first reference be a number higher than 1--e.g. to start at 32 since the prior section had 31 references. Any ideas for a fix?
  • Either convert the references to use the same reference manager (which you will need to do manually) or add 31 dummy references to the last section, finish writing the paper, flatten it, and remove the dummy references.
  • no, no idea. I don't think there is a good strategy, either.
    I'd say it would probably make sense to invest the ca. 30mins to convert the 31 reference to Zotero (i.e. manuall insert the citation from Zotero and delete th eone inserted by endnote) - that way your document is consistent, you don't get into trouble if you re-cite one of your first 31 items and you can convert the document to a different citation style if you have to.
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