Show in Collections (Subcollections that contain virtual copies of that item)

When we right click on an item (in a collection other than My Library), we see a context menu option "Show in Library." I wish the reverse would be available, too. I wish I could see which collections / subcollections contain copies of (pointers to?) the current item.

  • AFAIK, this has already been implemented in the current Zotero release. Within your "My Library" folder, select the record in question, then hold down the "option" key (on the Mac, maybe "alt" on Windows?). This will highlight all collections which contain this record.
  • Control key on Windows. Works with multiple items too.
  • Dan and Matthias,

    Thank you for the information. I didn't know that.

    Now, I can see yellow highlighted subcollections of interest, but achieving that was quite difficult for me with approx. 150 subcollections, each of which needs to be expanded manually, and collections need to be browsed page-by-page in full-screen mode. I might (again) be missing some shortcuts (e.g., expand-all?) and waste a lot of time doing it this way. I would appreciate if you could tell me that there is a better way of doing it.


  • Pressing the + key with the collections list selected will expand all nodes. Works in the items list too.
  • Dan, great tip. Thank you!

  • I've got a couple of suggestions for tweaking the functionality of this feature.

    1. toggle a 'highlight containing collections' boolean with the ctrl key (and/or a 'preference') so that it is not necessary to click ctrl each time I select a new Title to see the containing collections.

    2. when I change the selected Title, currently the highlight remains on the collection containing the previously selected Title. At the very least this is confusing. When a Title is no longer selected, the highlight for that Title should disappear, it seems to me.

    3. Seems that the ctrl key needs to be held down for a good 1/4 - 1/2 second before it registers with Zotero/FF/whatever. This seems rather a long time. I guess that's just the VM??
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