Add PDF to Zotero over Sumatra: can I pass PDF files through zotero.exe?

Question: can I replicate the action of "dragging a PDF file to Zotero" by calling "zotero.exe /some_magic_flag c:\full_path_to\paper.pdf"?

Use case: Sumatra has an "ExternalViewers" feature, where it can formulate and execute a long command to open the current PDF in other viewers. It would be helpful if I can add the current PDF loaded in Sumatra directly to Sumatra.
For now, I need to figure out the whereabouts for the PDF, open its folder, open Zotero (or bring the window to the front) and finally drag the PDF file to the Zotero window.
  • No, but this is planned.
  • I need to figure out the whereabouts for the PDF, open its folder
    In Sumatra PDF, you can use Alt+F+F as a shortcut for "Show in folder".
    No, but this is planned.
    It would be nice to have flags like "copy", "move", "link", which would be equivalent to the current Drag, Shift+Drag, Ctrl+Shift+Drag, respectively.

    (BTW, Sumatra PDF doesn't lock opened files, so moving to Zotero's storage would be possible.)
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