Feature request: Need publisher and place for journal articles

I thought I remembered a discussion about this but I can't find it. I really need for Journals to include publisher place and date. Is this being considered in the next csl?

The test case is basically a paper published as part of a series. Much like a Working Paper series, with a issue number.

I tried using other styles, like 'book' but having a series title messes up the layout (though I haven't taken heroic measures to try to fix this). I was hoping that the next csl wouldn't limit journal article type by excluding publisher and location.
  • Can you please provide the source you wish to cite & explain in more detail why it cannot be stored in Zotero and/or cited?
  • The reference I'm using is this: http://is.gd/3jMae
    But it could be any "working paper" type of publication such as World Bank, NBER, IMF, etc where there is no real "journal", just a numbered series of articles (e.g.: NBER has the Working Paper series numbered w12345 - http://is.gd/3jMkc).

    The style guide for the UN requires the following style for series:

    Abarza, Jacqueline y Jorge Katz (2002), “Los derechos de propiedad intelectual en el mundo de la OMC”, serie Desarrollo productivo, Nº 118 (LC/L.1666-P), Santiago de Chile, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), enero. Publicación de las Naciones Unidas, Nº de venta: S.01.II.G.200.

    The series is called "Serie Comercio Internacional". Number is 81. I got everything working except for the location. Actual reference, using my style UN ECLAC/CEPAL (dev):

    Rosales, Osvaldo y Mikio Kuwayama (2007), “América latina y china e india: hacia una nueva alianza de comercio e inversión,” Serie Comercio Internacional, N° 81 (LC/L.2656-P), enero. Publicación de las Naciones Unidas, N° de venta: S.07.II.G.6.
  • I don't think you should subvert the journal article type for this purpose.

    To me, that looks quite a bit like either a book or technical report in a series: it is not a regular serial. I'd use book, as each reference has a unique ISBN, etc. The NBER link you gave types them as technical reports.

    Rather than distorting Zotero to fit your data, I'd improve your CSL style. I would think that you should be able to format either books or technical reports that are parts of series correctly. What specific issues are you having when you try to do this?
  • I think you are right. I'll go back and review the logic of my Author and Title macros and I think I might be able to handle this case.

    I think report type might be best.
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