MS Word Plugin issue : where are the buttons ?


I'm on Vista SP1, FF3.5.3 and Word 2003 SP3. I installed the b7 version of Zotero as well as the new FF MS Word and OOo Writer plugins. The OOo plugin works fine (I used it without any problem), but the MS Word doesn't : I can't even find the buttons in Word... I tried uninstalling then reinstalling the plugin, but same problem.
Any idea ?
  • Have you checked under View->Toolbars in Word?
  • I checked the Toolbars, but none with a name looking like Zotero. I tried Reinstalling Word Components too, but nothing more.
    I've the trial version of Endnote X3 already installed. I don't think the issue comes from here, but never know...
  • Do you get an error in Report Errors (under the gear menu) after clicking Reinstall Word Components? If so, send in a report and post the Report ID here.

    Also search your system for a file and, if you find one (or more), let us know the location(s) and timestamp(s).
  • No file found on the computer. I tried with my work computer too, and same problem (running WinXP SP2, FF3.5.3 and Word 2003 SP3).
    But I forgot something which could be important : all these programs are in french. Maybe an issue with the localization ?
  • I forgot: and no Zotero Report Errors.
  • Yes, that's likely the cause. You can manually install the plug-in by finding your Firefox profile directory and navigating to extensions/ Copy the file from there to your Word startup folder (you should ignore the first half of that page). We'll be improving the installation process in the near future.
  • Thanks, it works perfectly !
    Indeed, the startup folder in the french version of Word is :
    and the MS Word plugin created the
    which is the default startup folder for the english version. And in this folder I found the file (The windows search didn't find it, by the way...).

    Thanks for your help !
  • LeBatou, if you've got some spare time, we would appreciate it if you'd try removing the plug-in from DÉMARRAGE and installing the WinWord plug-in trunk extension, which will likely be the next release of the WinWord plug-in. We think we've fixed this installation issue, but we're not sure and we don't have access to a French copy of Word 2003. If it doesn't work, you can just copy the template over from Startup again. Afterwards, you should reinstall the released version of the WinWord plug-in.
  • OK, I first uninstalled the plugin, then removed the Startup folder and the content of the Démarrage folder, and finally installed the trunk extension. It still created the Startup folder and copied the file in it. Nothing appeared in the Démarrage folder.
    Let me know if you need further testing.
  • Okay, I think I've fixed it. Can you try updating the plug-in from the link above again?
  • Now, it still creates the Startup folder with inside, but it also copies the file in the Démarrage folder. Conclusion : it works !!
  • Great! Thanks for your help in tracking this down.
  • Thanks for the plugin ! ;)
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