Hybrid between report and bibliograpy output? Annotated bibliography with ALL notes and abstracts

What I would really love is an optional bibliography or report output that would essentially combine the two.

The desired report would spit out citation details like a formatted bibliography (e.g. Chicago) but add below each citation, the abstract, the annotation (for planned annotated bibliography (feature #504).) , and ALL other notes associated with each reference. Can your plans for new reports include an option to format citation details like a 'Chicago name-date' reference, for example?

This could be a sort of annotated bibliography, but ALL notes would be output. Perhaps "include all notes" and "include abstract" are options on your annotated bibliography output? ...although I am thinking of this more as a standalone (xhtml-based) report, not as bibliography to supplement other written text in word, though.

This report should work for individual references, selected references, or collections. Personally, I would prefer not to have to use Microsoft Word for this feature, but to do this within zotero interface similar to the current reports.

Not sure what to do with attachments like PDFs or snapshots, but perhaps optionally include relative location of the attachments in report from "base" of data directory? Perhaps include open resolver links or links of original location?

I would think that others might find this of great value for several purposes of theirs.

My first use case for this report would be for extensive reading lists with my various notes for students. My second use case would be for writing original text, where the notes of my writing attached to a series of papers are a major basis to begin thinking of of that new text. I was starting to use "notes" as a place for ideas sparked off by reading, but getting those ideas back out again was more cumbersome than I initially thought. My third use case was to create temporary reports from recent downloaded citations to scan for additional work that I wanted to follow up on and that I wrote down in my notes.

Perhaps, another alternative to this request might be to output a "note report" with notes associated with a subset of papers and each "note" would be cited to a reference included in a bibliography section of that report. This would certainly facilitate moving notes around in an outline for new writing.

This tool is great! Thanks for all your hard work!
  • jays: in another thread, I wrote:

    the citation style language (CSL) Zotero is using has support for annotated styles, and there is one available. It just needs to be added to the database (if it's not already).

    There's nothing particularly fine-grained, though, about how notes are configured. I guess it'd be up to the Zotero devs how they wanted to handle it.
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