Zotero for business


I am trying to get my company to move to Zotero instead of nothing currently.
Most of my questions were answered in the following post:

I was however still wondering if it was possible to store a group library on a local server or on our own cloud server? That may be important for our IT dept.

Or if there is any way to link the storage subscription to the company instead of a user to be sure that the information won't be lost if people were to move from the organization?

  • (1) It's possible to run the Zotero sync server locally. It's open source, but does require a fair amount of IT setup and maintenance. https://github.com/zotero/dataserver

    (2) An easier setup would be to use the existing Zotero group system. You can create a Zotero account controlled by the organization that at least two people have access to, then have this organizational account be the owner of any Zotero groups. That way, only that one account would need Zotero storage and it would be protected against one person leaving.
  • This confirm what I was thinking,

    Thanks !
  • How can a Zotero account be set up to be controlled by the organization such that at least two people have access to it?
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