Manage Zotfile's user wildcards
I want to use Zotfile's renaming feature such that the authors' last name is in uppercase. I tried
Unfortunately, this only capitalises the first letter but not the whole name (e.g. "Einstein" instead of "EINSTEIN"). Is it possible to capitalise the whole name, and if so, could you guide me?
"1": {
"default": {
"field": "author",
"transform": "toUpperCase"
Unfortunately, this only capitalises the first letter but not the whole name (e.g. "Einstein" instead of "EINSTEIN"). Is it possible to capitalise the whole name, and if so, could you guide me?
What you want to do should be possible with this user wildcard:
{"1": {"field": "author", "operations":[{"function": "toUpperCase"}]}}
.For more examples, see the discussion here.
"1": {
"default": {
"field": "author",
"operations": [
"function": "toUpperCase"
"function": "replace",
"regex": "[-]",
"replacement": "_"
I will check out other examples, too.
I tried to uppercase the last name with your code but it didn't work.
I put the code on zotfile.wildcards.user and my renaming rules is set to {%a}, {%A}. - {%t} {%y}
I'm missing something here?