Year column in search results

How can I see the publication year in the results of a search?
  • If you mean in the advanced search window, it's not currently possible to customize those columns, though it's a common request and planned.

    As you probably know, you can add the Year column for the main window from the column picker:
  • Yes, I've added Year to the main window. I look forward to the option in the Advanced Search Results window. Thanks!
  • @bschofie As a workaround, you could save an advanced search e.g. with title "search" and edit it each time you want to use an advanced search. You have all columns available for a saved search. At the moment, however, there seems to be an issue with the advanced search in Zotero 5.0.81, see below.

    @dstillman I just noticed that the "clear" button is missing when opening a saved search. Was that always the case? Currently, one needs to add a new search condition ("plus") and remove the old conditions ("minus") in order to reset a search.
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