endnote 9 keyword import
Hi, I am using the RIS export style as suggested in the manual, and have exported my library to a text file. The Keywords for each record are all on one line, sometimes delimited by a semicolon, sometimes by a comma. They look fine in my endnote (That is, they show up individually in the terms list), but in Zotero are bunched together (one 'tag' being multiple keywords), as the import is only parsing at carriage returns. See the attached example from the RIS output file. Please advise as to how to import this successfully so that my 'tags' are useful?
AU - Adger, W.N.
PY - 2000
TI - Social and ecological resilience: are they related?
SP - 347-364
JF - Progress in Human Geography
VL - 24
IS - 3
KW - social resilience; ecological resilience; resilience;cultural geography; human ecology; resource dependency; sustainable development
N2 - Defines social resilience as the ability of groups to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social and political and environmental change. Links social and ecological resilience.
ID - 33
ER -
AU - Adger, W.N.
PY - 2006
TI - Vulnerability
SP - 268-281
JF - Global Environmental Change
VL - 16
IS - 3
N1 - ACIA update
KW - Vulnerability,disasters,food security,hazards,ses,surprise,governance,Adaptation,resilience
ID - 607
ER -
AU - Adger, W.N.
PY - 2000
TI - Social and ecological resilience: are they related?
SP - 347-364
JF - Progress in Human Geography
VL - 24
IS - 3
KW - social resilience; ecological resilience; resilience;cultural geography; human ecology; resource dependency; sustainable development
N2 - Defines social resilience as the ability of groups to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social and political and environmental change. Links social and ecological resilience.
ID - 33
ER -
AU - Adger, W.N.
PY - 2006
TI - Vulnerability
SP - 268-281
JF - Global Environmental Change
VL - 16
IS - 3
N1 - ACIA update
KW - Vulnerability,disasters,food security,hazards,ses,surprise,governance,Adaptation,resilience
ID - 607
ER -
Here's a sed command to fix your file:
sed -e '/^KW/ {s/[,;]\s*/\nKW - /g}' old.ris > new.ris
This can be run on the command line in OS X and Linux. You may download it for Windows:http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/sed.htm
Thanks again
sed -e '
/^KW/ {
}' old > new
I'm using OSX, but have seen others online talk about this same issue with the \n. Look at this manual for sed, this particular section talks about needing to use literal newlines: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-nl
Is the Zotero import looking for a certain number of spaces before or after the dash? maybe i put too many or too few..
Anyway its all correctly imported now, worked fine without the KW on each line. Thanks for your help!
I'm not sure about their origin - but I also got a lot of semicolons in my EndNote library keywords. One solution to the problem is as described above. Another one, for those uncomfortable with command line, is as following.
In EndNote, it's possible to perform search-and-replace on specific fileds on the whole library:
Select menu "Edit --> Change text...". In the dialog, select in "Keywords", type a semicolon into the "Search For:" field, go to "Change the text to:" field, select "Insert Special --> Carriage Return", press "Change". Now you have changed the keywords separator to a newline. The RIS file produced is still buggy, as discussed by noksagt above, but Zotero can read it and properly import all keywords. Tested with EN X and EN X3, probably works with earlier versions, if not - you may download EN X3 as trial version.
For comma separated keywords, I would first perform a search ("References --> Search References...", search in "Keywords" field only), as comma may be a part of a keyword. If it's nowhere a case - just do a search-and replace in the same manner.