"Ghost" references in document


A few weeks ago I posted some problems I have had with zotero (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/79743/constant-problems-with-sync-duplicating-collections-and-deleting-articles)

I am writing a big literature review with more than 300 references (and those have multiple in-text citations) and it appears that the unfortunate loss and re-storing I had to do, somehow 'unlinked' the vast majority of those citation in that document with my zotero library.

The problem is that when I change the references in my zotero library (e.g. If I find a problem in the journal name etc) this does not update in the document, because effectively the reference in the document is an old, missing reference.

I can actually find out which citations are ghosts because when I click the reference in the zotero dialog to edit the citation, it is missing the author name (e.g. https://imgur.com/a/i7f6Mvz)

My question: is there an easy way to mass-replace an old, ghost reference in the document with the proper one in my zotero library, or do I have to painstakingly go through the 100 pages manualy checking and fixing each citation?

Thank you
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