Sorting in the library window
It would be very helpful to be able to sort by multiple columns in Zotero's center pane. As an example of how this would be helpful, in a few cases, I have thirty or so papers by the same author, and would like to sort by Creator and then by Title (and not by year, which would be the default order for sorting, after Creator is selected as the principal sort column). Similarly, it would be interesting to sort by Type and then by Publication, or by Creator and then Publication. Then again, it would be interesting to sort by publication and then view the articles in chronological order (rather than alphabetically by Creator).
Some audio-library programs (perhaps Media Monkey or even Itunes) allow a behavior where clicking on a column heading assigns it primary sort status, and a shift+click on another heading assigns secondary sorting status...
Some audio-library programs (perhaps Media Monkey or even Itunes) allow a behavior where clicking on a column heading assigns it primary sort status, and a shift+click on another heading assigns secondary sorting status...
A more straightforward alternative could be to base the sort hierarchy on column order. So after clicking on a column, it would then sort by the other columns, left-to-right, and dragging them around would alter the order.
Anyway, it would be great to be able to arrange a sort by moving the columns around, too. I would find it quite useful. Thanks.
Regards, Jon.
Two issues:
1. If Creator is the sort field, only the last name of the creator is used, after which sorting is by date. This is problematic: I have articles by Ernst Bloch and Maurice Bloch intermixed with each other, causing my head to spin. Wouldn't it be possible to sort by Lastname, Firstname?
2. I'd suggested earlier that there be some way to set sort order for columns. Whether it is dragging columns around, or just a dialogue to allow a sort order to be set, it seems to me that something, at least, ought to be done. The present de-facto sort order is creator, date... If one has a large collection, including tens of articles by a given creator, and one is not familiar with the exact chronological order of that author's production, it is very difficult to navigate to the correct citation (yes, there are ways--I know you can type in a search term, or create a collection). It would be nice if the user could set the sort order, allowing us to set it to sort by lastname, firstname, title
Would it be too hard to have a ticket submitted to address this? Or, perhaps, could someone indicate if there is already a ticket or some other plan to address sorting issues?
I have thirty references for which the creator column reads "Scott" -- and they are written by seven different authors. Just changing the Creator field to Lastname, Firstname would help me avoid confusion, although it would really be great if the larger issue of sorting by multiple fields (including all fields from the bibliographic Info tab, including custom fields) were addressed.
Would it be possible to develop better sorting for the central pane of zotero's interface? Here are two options, in order of preference:
1. Column-based sorting. Drag the columns to order the sort. That way, it would be possible to sort by author, then by title of the work, then by date (I have several authors in my collection with 30 works or more, and I don't remember the year that each was published, so I'd like the secondary sort to be by the title of the work, not by the date; more than that, I'd just like to be in control). Please note that for this option, as for the second, it's important that sorting of author names be lastname, firstname, and not merely lastname as it now stands. For option 1, this could mean either creating a firstname column, or just making sorting by lastname, firstname the standard.
2. Barring that, would it at least be possible to have a setting that would allow for sorting by lead author by lastname, firstname, instead of lastname? I've got Karl Marx and Groucho Marx all mixed up!
(Unfortunately (for me) it's not quite as simple as just adding firstName, since it's sorting by a virtual "firstCreator" field (which is also what's displayed in the list) rather than "lastName". "firstCreator" doesn't include first names, can be a concatenation of multiple names, and pulls from the editor or contributor fields if there are no authors. So there probably needs to be another virtual sort field internally that includes first names and that doesn't switch to "et al" after three, since for sorting it should just keep using the creator names until it finds a difference.) I suggested this, but it seems the main problem is that creator-based sorts would then default to sorting by title as the secondary field, since title is the left-most column by default. Maybe that's fine, but author-date is the standard sort order, and it's what it does now if firstCreator is selected.
Maybe it should be column-based secondary sorting using only the fields to the right of the selected one?
Dan asks if it should be column-based secondary sorting using the fields to the right of the selected one. I'm not sure I understand what that means--would it still be possible to, for instance, line up creator, then date, then title, from left to right, so that the sort would be by those three items? If so, that would be great.
Really, whatever works so that it is possible to get references sorted according to multiple criteria. I haven't used Endnote in a long time (thanks zotero!) but I believe Endnote was able to do this, perhaps with some sort of dialogue?
Hope this can be made to happen. Thanks.
If you examine the library window, you'll see several columns on which you can sort, and you can add more. So your comment that Zotero has no sorting options is quite mistaken. The issue some of us have is that we could use at least secondary sorts on other columns in the library window.
indeed it would be a very favourable (and essential) function to have the ability to sort Authors last than first name. A general sorting-priority function like the filter function available in MS Excel would be ideal.
the post about the drag and drop functionality to customise the visual positions of the individual columns was recognised.
However, this post is mainly considered about getting the ability of different priorities in the order of sorting, for instance:
Sort-order-priority: 1st: Surname; 2nd: First name; 3rd date added; ....
as well as a visualisation:
Sort-order-indication like an arrow (ascending or descending) and a number for priority (1st, 2nd, 3rd,...)
And maybe even a clear button that brings you back to default ;-)
I guess that would many people please to see.
It's also quite difficult (as noted before) to have to try to remember the release date of a specific article to find it among the tens of articles written by a an author with the last name of Smith. So if I could drag my columns to creator, title, date, then I'd be able to find the specific Smith I was looking for, and then locate the title alphabetically.
Any chance any of this might make it into a future iteration of Zotero? We'd all be quite grateful!
With everyone's zotero libraries growing at a rapid rate, and thus increasing the jumble of entries, I just wonder if there are plans to take on the issue of sorting in the library window? We're all looking forward to the standalone version of Zotero, and I'd love to see this feature as one of the added draws of the next generation of Zotero. If plans are not formalized in the development tracking system, would it be possible to do that?
EDIT: by the way, as Dan mentions above, there is a ticket for the lastname, firstname sorting, slated for version 2.1, so that's a start...
This one is not an easy problem to solve, beneath the surface, but a solution is coming.