Can't edit citations without Zotero erasing existing sources

Prior to the current problem, when using Google docs, when I wanted to edit an existing citation, I would put the curser in the citation, and then click "Edit with Zotero". Next, the red quick format box would come up with the existing sources already in the field, and I could add more citations to these, and my document would be updated to include both the pre-existing sources as well as the ones I had just added.

What is now happening is that when I click "Edit with Zotero", the red quick format box comes up blank without the pre-existing sources in the field. Therefore, if I only put in the additional sources, these sources are the only ones that end up appearing in the citation, much like if I had tried to add a new citation rather than edit an existing one.

I primarily use Google docs on Safari, but this also happens with Firefox and Chrome, although with the latter, I also get an error message that says something to the tune of "Zotero selected field ... not returned from Docs backend".

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