Updates to document details not reflected in bibliography - why?

I realised one of my document titles was in all capitals, so I edited it, changed it from journal to thesis and added in some additional details. When I returned to my Google Doc and asked Zotero to add/edit bibliography, it didn't change anything. I tried deleting the bibliography and re-inserting it but that didn't work either.
Any ideas how to force the update?
  • If you click on the citation in the Google Doc, select Add/Edit Citation, and click on the blue bubble, do you see a Show in My Library button in the popup? If so and you click it, is it the same item that you edited?
  • edited July 16, 2019
    That helped!
    I don't know why but going through those steps changed it in the bibliography.
    I noticed the problem with another source and found that clicking 'refresh' in the Google Docs Zotero menu forced it to update (even when deleting and reinserting the bibliography didn't).
    Much appreciated.
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