Punctuation in titles (comas)


I am editing an already existing style and was looking to replace a full stop at the end of footnote titles by a coma. We noticed that this caused the coma to show up in the quotations regardless of whether there is a question mark or other punctuation already included in the title. I noticed from the post linked below that a similar issue (full stops instead of comas) has been resolved and that additional full stops are omitted when the title already includes ? or !. I am wondering if it should be the case for comas as well.

Previous post: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/8521/cms-terminal-punctuation-in-titles
Related ticket: https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/1436

Thanks in advance!
  • We're currently following the punctuation rules in the Chicago Manual of Style, which is explicit that commas following exclamation and question marks should remain, see
    https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/book/ed17/part2/ch06/psec125.html and especially
    (if you have access to the online version).
    The example provided there is
    Michael Tessler et al., “Diversity and Distribution of Stream Bryophytes: Does pH Matter?,” Freshwater Science 33, no. 3 (September 2014): 778.
    I think these rules are the norm in English.
  • Thank you for the helpful feedback. Do you know if there is any way around this for citations in other languages? I am editing the French version of Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note).

    Thank you again!
  • I don't think so, no -- but in French, the guillemets would be between the question mark and the comma anyway, wouldn't they?

    If there's significant demand (e.g., clear-cut cases that what we're doing is incorrect in other languages), this is something that could potentially be made customizable or localized in the medium term, but that's most likely take time.
  • Thank you again for the feedback. It seems that if the coma is included in the code as a group delimiter, it will appear within the quotes-right after the title. This is what we are trying to achieve (from https://bib.umontreal.ca/bibliographies/chicago?tab=2191, under article 1.4):

    Laurent Lemire, « 14-18 : ce qu’on lisait dans les tranchées, » Nouvel Observateur, 12 septembre, 2013, 76. http://bibliobs.nouvelobs.com/documents/20130927-OBS8895- 1914-18-ce-qu-on-lisait-dans-les-tranchees.html.

    The issue is that when there is punctuation in the title, the citation below or something similar is returned:

    Frédérique Doyon. « Lire, mais comment?, » Le Devoir, 2 novembre 2013. https://www.ledevoir.com/lire/391598/lire-mais-comment
  • and you're sure the ?, in the second one is wrong?
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