How to communicate the location of a new collection (in a group library) to a collaborator

edited March 5, 2019
I almost never use "My Library", but almost all of our work uses shared group libraries - IMHO an amazing feature of Zotero!!

One problem we have is how to communicate the location of a new collection to collaborates (within the same group library). Typically, I might email collaborators and say "I've added these new items to the collection Z, which is located here" (screenshot).

Collection Z is easily shared, because I can cut/paste the collection name. However,it's harder to find for the collaborators (in a large, complex library). E.g. if Z is located here:

- Y
-- Z

then I usually attach a screenshot. I suppose there isn't a quick way to copy that hierarchy to a string, e.g. "X > Y > Z" or even better to generate some kind of URL that would let users open that collection?
  • You can obviously link to the collection online, but that's probably not more helpful than the screenshot. zotero://select links don't work for selecting collections, though I wonder if they could?
  • Yeah, initially I was hoping that there'd be something like zotero:// select link - that would be great :)
  • But a select link to an item inside such a collection should work right?
  • zotero://select has supported collections since 5.0.57 last October.

    I'm not sure if Zutilo can generate those links yet, though. Now that we always have a menubar (which I still forget), we could consider adding the ability to generate zotero://select links from Zotero itself.
  • ah wonderful, thanks Dan. I hadn't remembered that exchange and had tried with the wrong syntax.
  • Zutilo cannot currently generate those links (Zutilo has no context menu items for collections or libraries, only items in the middle pane).

    Would a menu bar option (in Tools I assume) be most appropriate, or would a context menu option in Zotero to "Copy Link to [Item/Collection/Libary]" with "Zotero App" and "On" suboptions be better?
  • I'm just concerned that if we start adding too much to the context menus they're going to get out of hand, whereas things that most people won't use could be properly relegated to the menus with shortcut keys for advanced users (and they should be in the menu anyway for accessibility and shortcut discovery).

    We never planned features with a menubar in mind, since it wasn't universal until 5.0, and I think starting to use it more could (somewhat) free us to add more esoteric functionality without worrying about cluttering up the rest of the UI.

    That said, if the people who want this will just prefer it in the context menu, there's not a lot of point in adding it to the menus and having people continue to use a plugin for it.

    (I guess the real solution here is to make the context menu customizable. I'm never sure whether that's a sign of empowering flexibility or uncontrolled complexity…)
  • How would a menu work here though for a collection or library? There would need to be several menu options to generate links for the selected items, selected collection, or selected library. Your point about menu complexity is good, but a context menu option seems much more intuitive as the place to find this.
  • It could go in the Edit menu, in either a submenu below Copy Citation/Copy Bibliography or in a submenu together with those options. Not sure what the submenu would be called, but the option text could vary based on what was focused. (Right now Copy Citation/Bibliography remain active even if you focus the collections list, but I'm not sure they should.)

    We could also consider adding a Copy submenu to the context menus, with the Quick Copy options and these.
  • That would be great. Adding Quick Copy to context menu is a question I get pretty frequently when setting up new users with Zotero. Probably the Zutilo utility I recommend using most frequently.
  • Overall, I like configurability :) So happy for the link to be wherever by default, if it can be configured...
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