Feature request: Duplicate attachments without duplicating item

edited January 24, 2019
This could be added as a plugin and admittedly it doesn't seem like many other people have posted here looking for the feature. That said, I think this should be a feature as it handles pretty basic file management.

This is a feature request based on an earlier help request post. There I said: I would like a way to duplicate PDFs within an entry before I start annotating them. There are two contexts for why I would like this. The first is that I would be able to annotate a file differently when using the same source for to different papers. The second is that I would like to a have an unannotated copy of the PDF if I need to send it to someone.

While there are a couple different ways to do it suggested in those posts, they are workarounds that in some way require leaving Zotero.
This discussion has been closed.