Can I duplicate attachments without duplicating an item?

I would like a way to duplicate PDFs within an entry before I start annotating them. There are two contexts for why I would like this. The first is that I would be able to annotate a file differently when using the same source for to different papers. The second is that I would like to a have an unannotated copy of the PDF if I need to send it to someone.
  • You can do this in a roundabout way using the “Send to Tablet” feature in the Zotfile plugin. It can save a separate annotated copy when it retrieves the PDFs. No actual tablet is necessary.
  • edited January 24, 2019
    I'll probably fall back to that if I can't find anything else, but it seems a little clunky for my use. I'm really hoping for a right click menu option or something similar that doesn't require I leave the app.
  • Right-click, Show File, and drag the PDF back onto the parent item.
  • edited January 24, 2019
    That'll do. Thanks.

    As a general note for anyone else looking for the same thing, it's not perfect. There's still a need to manually rename the new file and a couple steps. It at least works without plugins, navigating a file system, or leaving Zotero in a significant way.
  • edited March 4, 2019
    I'd also like a right-click option :)

    The Send-To-Tablet option doesn't seem to work for group libraries - or does it?
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