Feature request: option to import Bibtex via Crossref in connector

edited January 16, 2019

I find another problem in the saved Bibtex by connector for the journal paper (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15472450.2017.1291351). The first name and last name of authors in the imported Bibtex are not right. I know this maybe not the problem of zotero connector.

Given lots of errors I met (see
https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/75224/wrong-place-of-proceeding-saved-on-the-acm-website-by-the-connector), I cannot trust the Bibtex imported by the connector. Is it possible to add an option in the connector to import Bibtex via crossref when the DOI is available?
  • CrossRef data are also frequently wrong and/or incomplete, but you can already do this by using right-click on the Save to Zotero button and select "Save to Zotero (DOI)"
  • As for the incorrect import -- do you just mean the "van" in the wrong space, or something else?
  • edited January 16, 2019
    I tested several times and found something interesting. When it is saved by "Taylor and Francis+NEJM", the author name is not right ("Arem, Bart van" for the second author "Bart van Arem"). However, when it is saved by "tandfonline.com (Atypon)" or "Crossref", the author name is right ("van Arem, Bart" for the second author "Bart van Arem")
  • Thanks for telling me about the option of "Save to Zotero (DOI)" in the right menu. I do not aware of that before. Can I set that to the default action of clicking the icon of connector?
  • no, sorry, you can't influence the default.
    I think the difference between the translators is partly due to the import format. BibTeX has authors as Firstname Lastname rather than Lastname, Firstname and it's harder to parse correct order from that.
  • 1. Why there are two different sources in the same website when I click the icon, sometime it is "Taylor and Francis+NEJM", sometimes is "tandfonline.com (Atypon)"?

    2. May I request to add the option in the connector to choose the default save options?
  • 1. Multiple translators often detect on the same page. In this case there's a dedicated T&F one, one for the content managmeent system (Atypon) used by them, and the DOI one. This isn't uncommon.

    2. You can request, of course, but it's very unlikely to happen. Most of the time, the default translator will achieve the highest quality import.
  • 1. I guess this will increase the possibility of inconsistent of saved Bibtex. When I click the connector, it seems may choose different translator on the same page. So does this means the connector do not really know which is better?

    2. I am not request to change the default action of connector for all users, but to add an option to let the user to choose the order of default action.
  • 1. The connector has these ordered by priority and takes the one it has good reason to believe is better.

    2. I understood the request. It's very unlikely to happen. You can manually change the priority in the translators (the lower the number the higher the priority) if you want to (they're individual javascript files in the translators folder in the Zotero data directory), but what I'm telling you is that you're unlikely to get better or more consistent metadata by doing this.

  • edited January 16, 2019
    OK, thanks for your explanation. I have another problem. I have access to the full-text on this webpage, but the speed is not very high. The connector downloads another version of PDF from the university depository automatically, but I still prefer to the official version. Why does the connector cannot detect that I have the full access?
  • This works if you use the default translator... (it likely cannot detect that you have access because you're off campus; Zotero can't check/tell which resources you can access through a proxy)
  • I am indeed off campus, but I already sign in the website and can download the PDF file directly. I can see that the connector tries to download the PDF in the website at first as it shows "full text PDF". After a while, it changes to "open access PDF". I am not sure whether it is because the network speed is not good enough.
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