Ability to search names with diacritics

Am I correct in thinking that it's impossible to search for authors with diacritics in their names in the Firefox Zotero pane?

It would be nice if the search function would recognize all equivalents of a letter by the standard Roman one so that all names would show up in search results (so a search for "Beru" would find Bérubé and Berü).
  • this is weird - so when you type a name in with diacrits, Zotero doesnt find entries. But if you find the name in a Zotero item and copy and paste it to the search field, Zotero does find the entires.
    I've tested this with German Umlauts only (2.05b on Linux)
  • @adamsmith: Do you type it in some way that you don't use the same UTF-8 character that is in the reference? What happens when you add an entry manually by typing in the character & then perform the search by typing the same character?
  • OK - that works (i.e. I find the references that I've typed in by hand)- so my system must be doing something funny with the UTF 8 - maybe the ubuntu keyboard switcher aplet? My FF is set to UTF-8.
    Alternatively, I suppose, the translators could do something strange.
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