Style Incorrect: AAG
The Citation style "Annals of the Association of American Geographers" is incorrectly adding 2 spaces between the author and date in the in-text citations.
It should be just one space.
Style guide is at
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can work out why, and post an edit, or ideally fix it at the repository.
It should be just one space.
Style guide is at
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can work out why, and post an edit, or ideally fix it at the repository.
(Not sure if that requires a login.)
It is actually still incorrect as per their style guide:
Subsequent listings of the same author (or authors) should have "three successive “em” dashes" i.e. "———" instead of the author.
This is implemented in other styles (e.g. "tah-soz" ) so I presume it's possible.
I actually don't like this, so it's currently perfect for my uses (I've taken a copy!), but for the sake of correctness as per journal guidelines, I'm flagging this issue.
Thanks heaps for the help to you both.