Import PDFs to Zotero and link file to existing location on disk?
I've found that it's fantastic to be able to import PDFs to Zotero and have it automatically pre-populate the reference fields. However, it seems to import the PDF file itself into Zotero's database.
Playing with Zotero I see that we can add a link to a file, i.e. to another location on disk outside of the Zotero database. Is there a way to set up Zotero so that when you drag a PDF into the app, it links to the existing file rather than by default making a copy of the file to the Zotero database?
Playing with Zotero I see that we can add a link to a file, i.e. to another location on disk outside of the Zotero database. Is there a way to set up Zotero so that when you drag a PDF into the app, it links to the existing file rather than by default making a copy of the file to the Zotero database?
If you have all of your items located in one set of folders that you sync across computers using a cloud service (e.g., Dropbox), you will want to set the Linked Attachment Base Directory in the Advanced Pane of Zotero preferences. Also, you can use the Zotfile plugin to help you automatically manage the location of linked files in such a system.
At times, the link goes in. I'm finding it ~1/3 nothing happens, ~1/3 pdf gets imported, ~1/3 link gets imported (desired behavior).
What am I doing wrong? Is there some way to reliably make it do links rather than copies?
Thanks for the tip.