Cambridge Journal of Economics

edited March 20, 2018
The journal home page mentions in general Harvard style suggesting to consult a recently published article. Perusing for hours Harvard styles (and Cambridge journals) in Zotero repository, I could not locate a style meeting all at once the requirements I see in print. More specifically, book titles should be in title case, journal article titles in sentence case; publication place precedes publisher and is separated by comma, pp. is used in text citations but not in references, publication date is separated by points with no comma after author's initials. Page numbers are truncated. No point at the end of biblio entries. No dois. Italics use as expected.
Some bibliography examples:
Smith, A. 1987. Correspondence of Adam Smith, Mossner, E. C. and Ross, I. S. (eds.), Indianapolis, Liberty Fund
Tribe, K. 1999. Adam Smith: critical theorist?, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 37, no. 2, 609–32
Anderson, E. 2016. Adam Smith on equality, pp. 157–72 in Hanley, R. P. (ed.), Adam Smith: A Princeton Guide, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press
In text citation sample:
(Fleischacker, 1991; and Montes, 2004, pp. 118–22)
(Gereffi et  al., 2005) where et al is italicised.
Thanking you in advance for your help and time, I convey my great, great appreciation of Zotero.
All the best
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