"Style Request: Cambridge J Econ - Harvard"


Cambridge journal of economics
ISSN 0309-166X (Print) ; 0309-166X (Linking)

(Campbell and Pedersen, 2007, pp. 310–21)
(Mares, 2001)

Campbell, J. L. and Pedersen, O. K. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, no. 3, 307–32

Mares, I. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, pp. 184–213 in Hall P. A. and Soskice D. (eds.), Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, New York, Oxford University Press

Link to free access paper

also to note
Hayek, F. A. 1935A. Socialist calculation I: the nature and history of the problem, in Hayek, F.A. (ed.) (1935), Collectivist Economic Planning: Critical Studies on the Possibilities of Socialism, London, George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, reprinted in Hayek, F. A. (1948), Individualism and Economic Order, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pp. 119–47
Hayek, F. A. 1935B. Socialist calculation II: the state of the debate, in Hayek, F. A. (ed.) (1935), Collectivist Economic Planning: Critical Studies on the Possibilities of Socialism, London, George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, reprinted in Hayek, F. A. (1948), Individualism and Economic Order, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pp. 148–80
  • Thanks. I'll look at it in the next 2 weeks. Keep an eye on your emails/this thread for notifications.
    (Wasn't necessary to make a new thread. The old one would've been just fine).
  • Many thanks. Keeping fingers crossed.
    Best wishes
    Despairing economist
  • edited March 21, 2018
    Had time during my lunch break. Right click and save. Test it out and let me know what needs fixing.
    CJE also talks about the EndNote style in their guidelines. Since you're already in touch with them, could you let them know that there will be a Zotero/Mendeley style soon and it'd be great to link to it?

  • OMG! Cannot thank you enough for your swift help and consideration. Will try ASAP. How can add the contents of this link as a style to Zotero styles in preferences?
    I will sure let CJE know after submitting my paper. They should be grateful; yes, they also suggest Reference Manager, discontinued in 2015 if I am not mistaken.
    Best, best wishes
  • right-click --> save link as on the link above and then double click on the downloaded file to install to Zotero (once it's reviewed it'll also show up in the Zotero/Mendeley style repository
  • Heartfelt thanks, once more and congratulations!
    I have tested the style, it works well. What needs fixing, as far as I can see are the following:
    1. Journal names are not italicised.
    2. Book chapters in the Journal style place page no. directly after the title.
    Boettke, P. 2000. Towards a history of the theory of socialist planning, pp. 1–39 in Boettke, P. (ed.), Socialism and the Market: The Socialist Calculation Debate Revisited, vol. 1, New York, Routledge
    3. Page numbers should be abbreviated also in the references. In the text , they are fine.
    I wish I knew how to edit styles. As I have no clue, I hope you could help once more.
    May you always be well.
    Relieved economist
  • edited March 22, 2018
    1. fixed
    2. fixed
    3. switched to chicago page-range-format
    4. Added DOI stuff if advanced publish

  • Many thanks again. Upon installing I get this warning:

    /Users/...../Downloads/cambridge-journal-of-economics.csl" is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file, and may not work properly with Zotero.
    Are you sure you want to continue?

    I continue, and when trying to change doc preferences
    "The style you have selected does not appear to be valid. If you have created this style yourself, please ensure that it passes validation as described at https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/wiki/Validation. Alternatively, try selecting another style."

    Also, I think no DOI , due to words limits
    Best regards
  • Tried to validate, no success
    Message from validator::

    "Oops, I found 1 error.
    If you have trouble understanding the error messages below, start by reading the CSL specification.
    Lines 22-23: Text not allowed in element “names” from namespace “http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl” in this context.

    ter=", "/>a
  • Heartfelt thanks for your work and help. As far as I can see, it is working fine.
    I will working on the text over the week end and report back to you again
    Best wishes
  • I have been working on the text and had to make many changes manually. As promised, however, I identified the following points that need fixing, if possible, before suggesting to CJE that there is a Zotero style.

    1. Author names are not merged in in-text citations e.g Instead of (Lawson 1997, pp. 3; 2012, pp. 357), I get (Lawson, 1997, p. 3; Lawson, 2013, p. 357)

    2. Page numbers are not always correctly abbreviated in references where I get; . 127–143 instead of 127-43 or 485–499 instead of 485–99 and so on. In-text they mostly seem to work, with exceptions: still, in-text instead of (Colander and Rothschild, 2010, pp. 21–2), I get (Colander and Rothschild, 2010, pp. 20–21)

    3. Book titles should be followed by a comma, not a point.

    4. Book editors should appear as (eds.) not (editors) when the book is referenced. By contrast, we got the correct form for book sections.

    5. An ‘Advance Access published 2010” phrase pops up after a number of journal articles, and on most working papers saved as journal articles. Saving as report eliminates publication.

    6. Semi colons in book sections and articles should not be followed by a capital letter.

    7. Web pages as follows, with web page of blog title italicized, date of access in parentheses at the end of the bibliographic note

    DeLong, J. B. 2011. Economics in crisis, Project Syndicate, 19 June, http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/economics-in-crisis (date last accessed 30 June 2013)

    whereas I get the following entries with ‘at’ added twice

    DeLong, J. B. 2011. Economics in crisis, accessed March 21, 2018, at Project Syndicate, 29 April at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/economics-in-crisis

    8. Conference papers and proceedings titles as follows, capitalized-no italics:

    Dow, S. C. 2010. What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-financial Sectors: A Focus on Theoretical Research, paper presented at the INET Inaugural Conference at King’s: The Economic Crisis and the Crisis in Economics, King’s College, Cambridge, 8–11 April, http://ineteconomics.org/initiatives/conferences/kings-col-
    lege/proceedings (date last accessed 30 June 2013)

    9. Hearing titles within single quotation marks and capitalised as follows
    Colander, D. 2009. ‘The Failure of Economists to Account for Complexity’, Testimony submitted to the Congress of the United States, House Science and Technology Committee, for the Hearing on ‘The Risks of Financial Modeling: VaR and the Economic Meltdown’, 10 September, http://causesofthecrisis.blogspot.co.uk/2009/09/failure-of-economists-to-account-for.html (date last accessed 30 June 2013)

    10. Original publication dates are cited in-text as Jevons, 1957 [1871], pp. vii, xxi) and referenced as Jevons, S. W. 1957 [1871]. The Theory of Political Economy, 5th ed., New York, Augustus M. Kelly (I haven’t tried the extra field option - no courage left)

    Hoping that I have identified correctly most of the intricasies/requirements, I thank you once more for your time and help.

  • 1. collapse set to "year" now. Pls test.
    2. page-range-format is set to Chicago. Please can you double check how your pages are entered in Zotero? that can be the source of this issue.
    3, 4 fixed
    5. this is done automatically for article-journals that do NOT have a volume AND a page, which indicates they have not been published yet. See the guidlines re "ADVANCE ACCESS CITATION".
    6. No idea what you mean here.
    7. webpage/post-weblog adapted. (this is not outlined in the guidelines, hence I didn't adapt it. where did you get this from?). Please check if it's correct now.
    8-9. not done
    10. added original-date variable into style. you'll need to add that into the extra field now and it should appear. please test.

    See this latest version: https://github.com/POBrien333/styles/raw/869cb7255c7a984d92db28b2382bc52fb8b6016e/cambridge-journal-of-economics.csl
  • I tested and everything works! Page number mystery solved as you suggested; some page entries in Zotero were (mysteriously) separated by an n-dash. Perhaps, this happened when I migrated from Mendeley.

    I got all observations in my previous message from carefully going over recently published CJE articles. Still, I am not 100% sure I got everything down. For, example they capitalise a, b, and c for identical dates of works by the same author, both in-text and in references: Hayek, F. A. 1943A. Hayek F. A. 1943B.

    In all, you've been a tremendous help.I remain indebted for your work and time.
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