Author-date citations with page references not separated by a semicolon
Zotero correctly separates multiple references to the same author with a comma. When there are also page references, they should go back to being separated with a semicolon (without adding the duplicate author name), and this is not happening. Hence, if one attaches page references to a citation, one can end up with something like '(Shakespeare 1615, 1875, 1616, 110–30; Donne 1629)' – the '1875' there is input as a page number, not another citation.
The Chicago Manual of Style gives the following examples:
The Chicago Manual of Style gives the following examples:
This is also a problem in other CSL processors, and I think it's an omission in the Cite Collapsing area of the CSL specification, though I would be glad to know if it's only an oversight in the Chicago author-date CSL style.(Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b)
(Wong 1999, 328; 2000, 475; García 1998, 67)
@nickbart points out that he mentioned this four years ago:
delimiter=", "
andafter-collapse-delimiter="; "
, we get:(Whittaker 1967, 1975, Wiens 1989a, 1989b)
(Wong 1999, 328, 2000, 475; Garcia 1998, 67)
I don't think that tweaking to get a semicolon after the "328" would be a full solution (assuming Chicago would also require "(Jones 1999; Smith 2000)"), but there should have been a semicolon after the "1975."
as a "hard" cite delimiter when it is set. I'll see what I can come up with for a trial.after-collapse-delimiter
behavior. Implementing a more proper fix for the relevant misstep breaks just one existing test (collapse_TrailingDelimiter). That looks like an acceptable trade-off to me, but the view of authors and CSL maintainers should be determinative.(Condit et al. 2000, 1995, 1998; Connell 1971; Cortes & Hunziker 1971)
actually is the correct form according to (unchanged from CMoS, 16e, 15.29), which says: What about the output when page numbers are included? In this case, my understanding is that CMOS requires(Condit et al. 2000, 123; 1995, 456; 1998, 78–90; Connell 1971; Cortes & Hunziker 1971)
.collapse_TrailingDelimiter: collapse_ChicagoAfterCollapse: Just one test that formerly passed is now failing ...
bugreports_BadDelimiterBeforeCollapse: ... but this is a test for which I had introduced the ugly hack into citeproc-js code. I think the comma-space delimiter is actually correct for this one.
Blah (Doe 1986, 12–34; 1998, 77).
Actual output:
Blah (Doe 1986, 12–34, 1998, 77).
and changing the value ofdelimiter
on the citation layout. The collapse_ChicagoAfterCollapse test shows the values needed.I noticed that in ChicagoAfterCollapes there is an 'after-collapse-delimiter' in only one location. The line is: Do I need to put it in other locations in the style also? I'm not experienced with editing CSL styles. Thanks for any help.