I need Title Capitalize in Spanish an propachi doesn't function

I need your help, ´cause I'm working with a group or researchers than mostly of the times uses APA citation style and we have documents or whatever as well in Spanish as in English. Because of this I installed the propachi plugin, and now I'm going very well with this matter. But sometimes they needs to use Chicago style citation, in that cases, when i have settled the documents as english (en, en-US, en-GB) in the language field because the documents are en English I have no problem, but when the documents are in Spanish i have settled that field as: es or es-ES, in that cases the capitalization doesn't function. So I discovered I must to put en or similar win the language field, but i wanna to ask: is that the unique solution??? propachi cannot helps me?? Cause I marked the option: "Uppercase subtitles" in the propachis´s preferences, but still doesn't capitalizing my titles.

Can U help me please??

And excuse me ugly english.


  • Are you sure you are supposed to title case Spanish titles? I'm pretty sure Chicago Manual specifies to leave them as they are and I've not seen title casing in any of the Spanish documents I've looked at. es-ES disables title casing on purpose for that reason.
  • Also, what "uppercasing" means in the context of the Propachi plugin is to captalize the first word of the subtitle (only). It doesn't force title-casing on non-Englizh languages.
  • Thanks a lot both of you.
    fbnett, I understand now the meaning of that function in propachi.
    adamsmith, I´ll read very well the Chicago style norms.

    And If I have any other question, I hope you can help me!!!
  • I just consulted the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition, and indeed, the guidelines for all non-English languages are to only capitalize those word that would be capitalized normally. For example, if you don’t capitalize the word casa in Spanish, you could not capitalize it if it were used in an article or book title either. Hope that helps!
  • Yes, helps a lot lauragayle!!! but I always have the dude about the word that must be capitalized because if my language is es or es-ES doesn't Capitalize anything, unless I wrote names or acronyms in the title in Uppercase.
    Maybe is a confusion by my side, but I need to be very sure.
    Thanks a lot!!!
  • Yes, the standard guidance for most citation styles is to respect the capitalization rules for non-English languages. In Zotero, setting the language field to anything other than a “en” language will disable any casing transformation.
  • Thanks a lot for the aclaration, bwiernik.
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