install zotero 5.0 on Ubuntu
I updated the firefox connector and now I need to install the standalone 5.0 on my Ubuntu.
I understand I have to use the tarball; however, I do not fully understand the following instruction:
" Alternatively, on Ubuntu-based distros, move the directory to a location of your choice, run the bundled set_launcher_icon script to update the included “Zotero” desktop file with the full path to the bundled Zotero icon, and then double-click “Zotero” directly or symlink zotero.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/ to add it to your launcher."
I moved the directory and I tried to run the script with ./set_launcher_icon inside the directory, but nothing happens. I think I am missing something about that "with the full path to the bundled Zotero icon"
Anyone can guide me through this installation?
I understand I have to use the tarball; however, I do not fully understand the following instruction:
" Alternatively, on Ubuntu-based distros, move the directory to a location of your choice, run the bundled set_launcher_icon script to update the included “Zotero” desktop file with the full path to the bundled Zotero icon, and then double-click “Zotero” directly or symlink zotero.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/ to add it to your launcher."
I moved the directory and I tried to run the script with ./set_launcher_icon inside the directory, but nothing happens. I think I am missing something about that "with the full path to the bundled Zotero icon"
Anyone can guide me through this installation?
Assume you downloaded and unpacked the directory Zotero_linux-x86_64 in your home directory. First, move it to /opt (that's my personal choice, but you can put elsewhere as well):
>> sudo mv Zotero_linux-x86_64 /opt
Then create a symbolic link in /usr/bin:
>> sudo ln -s /opt/Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero /usr/bin/zotero
Check that everything was OK:
>> which zotero
Finally, just start Zotero from command line:
>> zotero
This will start the stand-alone program, which you must configure. Good luck
I want to do that because I typically launch stuff with synaptic (a launcher) that scans the start menu...
~$ sudo ln -s /your_zotero_dir/zotero.desktop /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop
sudo mv Zotero_linux-x86_64 /opt
), the owner of the home directory will also own Zotero_linux-x86_64 and the files under it, even after the move. Auto-updates should work fine so long as Zotero is run from that account.Then, I tried the suggestion by aewillsf and placed the symlink to zotero.desktop in /usr/share/applications.The icon is there, the program doesn't start though.
What can be wrong?
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Open-source reference manager (standalone version)
If I go to Ubuntu topbar left ... right click on small Ubuntu icon ..
I see Edit Menus in drop down.
My Zotero launcher is in category Other.
I right click Other and navigate to Zotero and select Properties.
This launcher shows ...
Name: Zotero
Command: /opt/zotero/zotero
Click on the icon frame .. it might be empty .. and navigate to where you have the zotero icon.
You can now launch Zotero from Other category.
I changed the command from the icon (something like "bash path dir zotero %U") to "/opt/zotero/zotero" and it works now.
thx @drangonfly