What is the status of dealing with Google Scholar's rate limit

I read somewhere that Zotero was trying to find a way to address Google Scholar's rate limit. Is this the case? This is a major barrier to me adopting this as I'd like to migrate my library (and associated pdfs) from Papers3 to Zotero.
Thank you.
  • Not much progress -- but you shouldn't need this for your purposes. I'm pretty sure Papers3 can export to RIS or bibtex in a way that allows Zotero to import files.
  • How does it do that? I know that it can export the citations, but I'd also like to export the pdfs?
  • If it includes a link to the file in the RIS, Zotero would import it.
  • (Export/import makes sense if you already have the data, but we'll have something on the rate-limit problem soon.)
  • Adamsmith's suggestion looks like it worked pretty well! I had previously exported via a bibtex library and it didn't include the pdfs.
  • That's going to be better than getting the metadata from Google then anyway, even if you need to fix small things up.
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