Chrome extension not picking up on correct meta data
The more recent updates have made the Chrome extension (and Safari as well) function poorly with respect to identifying meta data on websites. For example, using the latest Chrome build 60.0.3112.90 64-bit and Zotero extension 5.0.17 on a Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5 Zotero is not picking up any meta data for journal articles listed on PsychNet (a commonly used website for identifying scholarly articles). Zotero now identifies articles, that it used to appropriately identify as a "journal article", as a "webpage" meaning it does not pick up any of the necessary information for in-text citations and references.
I understand that this maybe a PsycNET issue, but I am also having the same issue on other pages such as ProQuest (again, another webpage that used to work beautifully). It would be great if someone at Zotero could investigate these issues. Unfortunately, many social science (or psychology) articles are only catalogued on PsycNET, especially if they are older and not as readily available electronically.
As pointed out on other threads, theProQuest issue can be resolved by going to the details page. The cause of this was a major redesign of ProQuest.
I capture the metadata from the bizarre new PsyNET pages by copying the doi string to Zotero's Magic Wand. That doesn't grab the abstract; but that, too, can be copied from the site and pasted to Zotero. I must also do this with many of the articles in journals published by Lippencott Williams and Wilkins. For the few PsyNET records without DOIs, we've been able to somehow trick the site to display the old format by searching on the article title, finding two or more listings, and selecting the one that wasn't just visited.
Each of these problems exists for users of Mandeley and EndNote. The database publishers made their websites prettier (in their opinion) but at the same time made changes to the way that their metadata was presented. Users of those other programs are also complaining.
In this case, you're hitting two sites with current known issues; one of them rather easy to work around and likely fixable (ProQuest), the other one not (APA Psycnet); as per that thread, the best hope I currently see on that is for people to contact APA to convince them that the current way the site works actively impedes reference manager integration.
An alternative to what DWL suggest is to right-click on the add to Zotero icon and choose to import by DOI. You could also likely use the site's export function and export to Zotero.
Any other issues, please provide a URL.