Remove doi number from reference list

  • There are several Vancouver variants on the which handle internet sources slightly differently -- just try them out. Note that you'd typically only get the above if you don't have pages included in your journal article.
  • Also, that URL is from the URL field, not the DOI field.
  • Ok, how do I remove the URL field manually in the style in Vancouver?

    And how do I manually remove page number at the end of APA?
  • For Vancouver -- since the URL is called up in several different places in the style, describing how to remove it line by line is rather extensive. But as I note above, there are some options available. E.g. Elsevier Vancouver only prints the URL for blog posts and webpages

    And you can easily remove the URL from sage vancouver simply by removing the line <text macro="access"/> towards the bottom of the style.
  • For APA -- that's a bit of an odd request, but I suppose simply removing all occurrences of the line <text variable="page"/> would do it.
  • Hello
    I use the Elsevier-Vancouver style and I want to remove DOI from my bibliography. How do this?

    Thank you
  • If you are submitting to an Elsevier journal, do not remove the DOI. The publisher strongly wants DOIs in submitted manuscripts (they use them for manuscript processing, then remove them in typesetting).

    If not, just use the standard Vancouver style instead of the Elsevier version.
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