Editing citations in a document that was created by someone else
Working in a Word document created by a colleague with his own Zotero library, I ran into the following problems:
- I was not able to edit a citation to change its format from (Author Year) to (Year).
- After importing his library, I still could not edit the citations. Moreover, the imported references were treated as new references: when I tried to add a reference that was already inserted in the document by my colleague, I would get (Author Yeara) and (Author Yearb) for the exact same reference.
Obviously, I don't understand how Zotero links citations to library elements. Any help is appreciated.
Zotero standalone:
Windows 7
Word 2013
- I was not able to edit a citation to change its format from (Author Year) to (Year).
- After importing his library, I still could not edit the citations. Moreover, the imported references were treated as new references: when I tried to add a reference that was already inserted in the document by my colleague, I would get (Author Yeara) and (Author Yearb) for the exact same reference.
Obviously, I don't understand how Zotero links citations to library elements. Any help is appreciated.
Zotero standalone:
Windows 7
Word 2013
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My understanding is that your colleague's citations are referencing locations that don't exist on your computer. Even when you add the exact same sources to your library, those are given different reference numbers. If you work from a group library, the reference numbers stay the same.
Regarding changing the format from (Author Year) to (Year), unless you're working from a group library, it's my understanding that you can't edit citations added by others. (Also, you're using the "suppress author" feature to do this, correct?)
Yes, I was trying to use the "suppress author" feature.
@adamsmith: I'm not sure I get it (with respect to my question). Should I still be able to use the "suppress author" feature ?
Thanks again!
At home (Word 2010), I get this window, which allows me to click on "Suppress author", but then nothing happens to the citation (it remains (Author Year)).
For work, make sure the "Use classic add citation dialog" checkbox is closed in the "Cite" tab of the Zotero preferences.
At home: I was missing the return key (I had tried everything else: refresh, update fields, close and reopen, and combinations of those actions).
Thanks for the quick and efficient support!