Problems with Style Changes

Hoping you can help. I have a paper I wrote using an in-text citation style. I'm borrowing sections of it (and rewriting them, don't worry!) for another paper, using a different style, with footnotes.

I thought I could copy and paste them over, and then refresh the style using set preferences in the Word plug-in. But when I do this, the old citations stubbornly remain in-text and don't join the others in the footnotes.

What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions gratefully accepted.
  • If you put the cursor in one of the pasted citations and click the Edit Citation button, does the edit window pop up with the citation in it?

    If not, it sounds like you pasted just the text, not the field codes that stores Zotero's data. Do you still have the old document? Can you edit the citation there? If so, try to copy and past them again, being sure to not past "as text only".
  • Hi it's definitely a field code. I experimented by changing the document style and it changes - but stays in text.

    I've found a work round - but it's not totally ideal . I saved the document I'm pasting from in the destination citation style.

    Thanks for your input !

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