Feature request - Toggle for PDF downloads in connector menus
At my day job, I prepare weekly literature email updates for my colleagues. I currently just copy/paste individual journal titles and URLs, but I'd like to switch to sending around Zotero-generated bibliographies. However, I don't really need or want the PDFs for all these articles in my library, but I also don't want to go into the Zotero preferences each time to toggle the PDF downloads.
Would it make sense to add an option to the connector menus to quickly toggle the downloading of PDFs (and/or snapshots) for cases like this one?
Would it make sense to add an option to the connector menus to quickly toggle the downloading of PDFs (and/or snapshots) for cases like this one?
Currently, I would need to save the item to my library from the browser, switch to Zotero, select the item, and e.g. use Quick-Copy or select "Create Bibliography from Item...", and then delete the item. I much rather have a way to get a formatted reference directly through the connector.
"Button Action"
* "Save to Zotero (with PDFs)"
* "Save to Zotero (without PDFs)"
* "Save formatted reference to Clipboard"