Include page range in all citations

Hi guys, can anyone suggest a style that includes the page range in all of the citations. so for example (Smith and Jones, 2007, p2-28)

I have searched, but all that comes up is instructions on how to add a page number to a specific citation. I have a long document, and want to avoid doing them all by hand. I have read that the American Sociological Society style includes page numbers but my citations steadfastly refuse to display any.

Any suggestions appreciated.
  • While it's technically possible, such a style doesn't exist, but it also seems pointless: the page range is for the entire article, so why would you include it in a citation? It doesn't add any information. The page number for a specific citation, on the other hand, is for the specific page or pages the cited information can be found on. By definition, that would be specific to a given citation and not to the Zotero entry as a whole.
  • I don't disagree its pointless, it is however, the required style of Anglia Ruskin Uni.

    see here:

    To make matters worse, there is a specific Ruskin style in the style repository... but it also does not have page numbers after citations. I have attended several HE institutions and this is not the first time I've seen the regulation.

    Also such a style does exist, its mentioned specifically here:

    but they don't say which specific style they are using. but then they also say ASA has page numbers but the one I download from the repository doesn't. So I'm no nearer an answer.

  • edited January 26, 2017
    No, you're misinterpreting both Anglia Ruskin and that post. See these (and pretty much all other) Anglia Ruskin sample references:
    When there are two or three authors for a work, they should be noted in the text

    Directly using an and

    White and Brown (2004) in their recent research paper found...

    Or indirectly

    Recent research (White and Brown, 2004) suggests that...

    Other examples using two or three authors........

    During the mid nineties research undertaken in Luton (Slater and Jones, 1996) showed that...

    Further research (Green, Harris and Dunne, 1969) showed
    Note no page ranges on any of them. The page example they have is
    Including the page numbers of a reference will help readers trace your sources. This is particularly important for quotations and for paraphrasing specific paragraphs in the texts:

    Lawrence (1966, p.124) states "we should expect ..."

    or indirectly:

    This is to be expected (Lawrence, 1966, p.124)...

    Please note page numbers: preceded with p. for a single page and pp. for a range of pages.
    Which is very clearly about a specific pinpoint, not a whole page rage.

    These are also the page ranges the linked post is about. They can -- and should -- be added as appropriate via the Word add-ons page field to the specific citation, i.e.
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