Zotero and Google Docs

  • I just want to be clear that I don't think this is or should be off the table. People are using Google Docs a lot more, including for serious academic writing. I know devs at Zotero are interested in this and it'd be a very attractive feature to be able to offer.

    Like fbennett, I'm not buying that it's in any way do-or-die and I don't think high schools, where google suite products dominate, are a good measurement of the presence or future of academic writing.
  • edited March 8, 2018
    I'd be happy to contribute to a crowd funding drive (= contribute financially but also help organise). Clearly it needs to be done so that it doesn't overload the developers, and perhaps some extra capacity on core tasks could be built in, to reduce load on existing developers?
  • Any further thoughts on Zotero and Google Docs?
  • It looks like some code for Google Docs support is in the works. There should be an announcement in due course -- will be interesting to see what emerges.
  • Google Docs plugin is now available for testing
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