Highlight search terms in results
One thing I miss from Endnote is that when I search for a paper, the word I searched would be highlighted in the search results. Is there a way (built in or through plugin) to do this in Zotero?
bwiernikedited December 5, 2016A variety of changes to the display of search results (including this one) are planned, but no ETA for when they might be implemented. At present, no, sorry.
ben_aOk. It's encouraging that it is at least planned. Thanks.
sdspiegAny news on this?
bwiernikIt’s not possible until Zotero moves to a new development platform (Electron rather than its current Firefox). That’s happening in the relatively near future, but no ETA is available on that.
sdspiegStill no ETA on this?
adamsmithI'm afraid not, no. Not this year, probably more likely than not in 2019?
sdspiegOk - thanks!
xinwuHighlighting search results is a practical function that helps a lot in paper searching. Hope it being considered and would be released in the near future!
zhouzkHighlighting search results in PDF file is verying import and usefull! Hope it being considered!
fang_zheAs a non-native English speaker, It's a vital feature to view how other people use those words.