Content of Zotero database will not display

I seem to be in this weird state where I know that records exist in the Zotero database, but I can't get any to display in the Zotero interface. This is happening both with a stock 1.0.0b3 installation and the 1.0.0b3.r1.r1340 developer's XPI. This is the characteristics:

* The "Tag Selector" panel has a message that says "No tags to display" (whether "Display all tags" is checked or not, yet just below it there is a message which says "1 tag selected". Hitting the "Deselect all" button does not clear the "1 tag selected" message.

* I can export the library to Zotero RDF and see that all of my entries are there.

* If I add a record, I see it in the middle panel until I select a different collection, then it goes away.

* In the developer's XPI, if I choose "advanced search" and conduct a search, I see the correct results in the dialog box, but if I double click on one of the results nothing appears in the detail pane on the right.

I've tried clearing all of the Zotero entries in 'prefs.js' and 'localstore.rdf' but that didn't appear to have any effect one way or another. Any other suggestions?
  • If you have the sqlite3 command-line client installed, could you open up the Zotero SQLite database and send us ( the output of "SELECT * FROM tags"?

    We fixed a problem with using JS special words as tags, but if you're seeing the problem in the dev XPI then there would seem to be another issue.

    Does the problem persist if the tag selector is closed?
  • Also, do you see any errors in the Error Console if you follow the steps under Advanced Instructions on the Reporting Bugs page?
  • The output of 'SELECT * FROM tags' is short, although not empty as I would have expected:

    9783, "Hospitality industry", 1
    4517, "Purchasing", 1
    I think those tags correspond to the test record that I imported (which in the above report disappeared when selecting a different collection and never reappeared).

    There are no errors logged in the browser error console, and the problem does persist whether the tag selector pane is open or closed. And prior to reading your note I tried exporting the whole database, deleting the 'zotero' directory in my profile directory, and importing the database. No change in behavior -- same symptoms.

    I'm beginning to wonder if there is an extension conflict, although I would have expected that to show up in the error console...
  • If this is just a test database, you could send us a copy via e-mail and we could see if we could reproduce the problem.

    You may be right that it's an extension conflict, however. If any of your installed extensions are extending JS Object.prototype or Array.prototype (or rely on third-party libraries that do), it would almost certainly break Zotero in various ways. And while we could fix problems arising from extending Array.prototype, if something's extending Object.prototype (which it seems from the "1 tag selected" message could be the case), there's not much we can do about it--which is why such a practice is pretty much verboten.

    Could you try disabling other extensions and see if that fixes the problem?
  • Could you try disabling other extensions and see if that fixes the problem?
    Yep -- that was the problem. An updated version of the Hyperwords extension was the source of the problem. Although I'll miss Hyperwords, Zotero is more important. If you think it was a problem with their code, I'd be happy to send them a message to ask them to play nicely with others.
  • I'll take a look at Hyperwords and see if I can find the source of the conflict. Thanks.
  • Had the same problem -- sent a message to Hyperwords. If you think it will help, I can send you a screen shot of the error console -- I sent it to Hyperwords
  • Please be sure you're using the latest version of Hyperwords. I don't seem to have any problems with the latest version (2.1.6), and from a (very) quick glance at the source code, it looks like they were previously extending Object.prototype (very bad) and are no longer doing so.

    If you're still having problems with Hyperwords 2.1.6 and Beta 4 of Zotero (now available), let us know.

    As noted on another thread, there are probably still incompatibilities with extensions that extend Array.prototype that we need to fix. I've created a ticket to track such changes.
  • thanks, 2.1.6 works
  • I agree -- Hyperwords 2.1.6 doesn't cause the same problems as before with Zotero. Perhaps they learned a lesson and put it into practice with the latest release. Thanks again, Dan, for your help.
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