arabic numerals instead of roman numerals
I have tried quite a few styles, and they all use roman numerals in the article body and in the citation at the end. The 2 styles I most like so far are "Modern Humanities Research Association 3rd Edition (note with bibliography)" and "Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition (full note)". Is there any way of getting the citation style to use arabic numerals instead of roman?
adamsmiththe style of your foot or endnotes is a setting in your word processor, not Zotero (Zotero just tells Word/LibreOffice "insert endnote here".) The way to change this differs by word processor, a quick google for something like "change endnotes from roman to arabic numerals" which your word version and OS should get you there.
lesterxwow, yeah, that worked a treat. Did just as you said and the answer came up ok. Thanks.